Cyrillic alphabet for Ukrainian
Ukrainian nouns
are distinguished by gender: masculine, feminine, and neuter and have seven
cases (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional,
nouns normally end in a/ÿ, masculine have bare consonants at the end (no
changeable endings), and usual neuter endings are e/o.
Verbs inflect for
present and past and future tense. Verbs in the infinitive form end with -òè.
There are
two groups of verbs: imperfective and perfective. Imperfective verbs denote
incomplete, continuous, or repetitive action; perfective verbs, on the
contrary, indicate that the action has been/will be completed. Perfective verbs
can never be in the present tense. For each imperfective verb, there's usually
a perfective counterpart (or even several counterparts with variations in
Some verbs
end with -ñÿ. These are so called reflexive verbs. Grammatically they function
similarly to non-reflexive verbs, so if you see -òè right before the -ñÿ, you know that it's a common
There’s no
fixed word order and no articles in Ukrainian.